Monday, January 25, 2010


Okay, so my January has just been shot. My computer has been having major issues and has been in the shop most of the time. So I have had to cancel all my plans and goals for this month. It's not been a good time for me.

But I want to start fresh in February. I'm hoping to get my computer back this week sometime and then of course I will have some major catching up to do. But hopefully by next Monday, February 1st I can start again!

So no crop this week. Come back the following week, where I hope to be able to catch up and start fresh on my resolutions of an organized and productive design schedule! I'm trying very hard not to let this horrible month get me down and I really want to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Thanks so much for your patience!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Miss me?

Unfortunately, it's going to be the beginning of next week before I get my computer back. Just went in to pick it up today and found out that they didn't get our message to fix it and so they still have to order the part and get it repaired. UGH! I was really really hoping to have it back today so I could spend the weekend getting caught up. :(

Anyways, but hopefully next week I'll get everything together and I can start fresh. Sorry! I hope you are all doing good!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm sorry to do this AGAIN, but my laptop is still getting fixed and I don't have access to all my files and stuff - so once again I have to cancel this week's crop. I'm so sorry - I hope that once I get my computer back that I can get back on schedule!

Thanks for your patience!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Just another bad day...

UPDATE: Sorry, just a couple of additions. First of all, Joey's company did tell us they were changing payroll companies, but they have worked on it for over a month and told us there wouldn't be any interruptions - I guess we should have expected it huh?

And - some GOOD NEWS! I just found out that I won a photo contest on Facebook! Yay - thanks so much to all of you who voted for my "Dreaming of Christmas" photo!

I was feeling pretty good at the start of today. Instead of working last night, I went to bed and got a full 8 hours of sleep - which I never do. So I got JJ off to school and drove Joey to work. Got home and did a little work on the computer and had a shower. Then got Beth ready for school. I took her to school and went and picked up some Apple juice that I got from a freecycler.

Then because we are usually paid today, I headed to Walmart to get some groceries. After filling my cart with the items I needed, I went through the checkout line, feeling pretty good that I only had one person ahead of me. The checkout lady got all my items scanned and bagged and I had 3 people behind me in line. I quickly swiped my debit card - and to my horror, it was declined. Knowing this couldn't be right - I swiped it again and again it was declined. Of course I didn't have another card or anything with me. Completely embarrased, I had to tell the lady to cancel the purchase and I left the filled cart and walked out of the store. I quickly called Joey and we found out that his company had changed payroll companies and we didn't get paid today, so of course us living paycheck-to-paycheck the way we do - well, there's no money in our checking account, so that is why it was declined, but just embarrassing.

I come home - do just a little bit more work on the computer. I'm trying to catch up from not having my laptop for about a week. I download the last week's photos off my camera and then go pick up Joey. We have a bite to eat and then go pick up Beth from school. Joey drops us off at home and heads back to work. I get Beth some lunch.

Then I go back to the bedroom to finish getting caught up on computer work and get everything ready for my Monday Product Release and what do I find. That my laptop is black screened and it won't turn on. After all the other problems I have had with my computer since I spilled water in it - I just can't believe its still happening. I was actually just starting to feel really good that I got a brand new BIGGER hard drive and now I can't even turn it on again. And this time, I possibly have lost some photos and other design work that I have done for the last couple of days.

Before heading up to do his podcast and playing D&D, Joey dropped my laptop off at Simply Mac again. Which probably means I won't have it back until the beginning of next week at the soonest and of course I probably lost stuff and tons of time, not to mention shelling out more money and I'm just not feeling very good about it right now. I would appreciate any prayers!

Anyways, so once again, no High/Low or freebie or product release until I get everything fixed. I hate this! I'm sorry to let you all down - I promise I'll be back as soon as I can.... :(

Friday, January 8, 2010

Freebie will come late...

Hi everyone,

I still don't have my laptop back. I can get email and browse the internet using my hubby's PC, but I don't have any of my files or anything right now until I get my computer back!

So, today's high/low - freebie post will come next week, when hopefully my computer will be back! I promise I'll make it up to you!



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

MIA a little longer

Okay so I'm going to be a little longer than I thought. I've really been thinking that I needed to backup and organize and reinstall because my computer has been really slow and actiing weird. So yesterday I got everything backed up and started reinstalling. And just as I was finishing and about to bring my files back - the hard drive completely died. So there was a real reason that it has been so weird lately and thats because my internal Hard drive was failing and I just didn't know it. Thank heaven for small blessings that I had just backed up and so I haven't lost a thing except for time. I now need to purchase a HD and have Simply Mac put it in for me. Not sure how long thats going to take and then of course I will have reinstall everything again. But hopefully I will be back soon - I'm so sorry if you are waiting on me for anything! Geez, just when I thought I was on a roll with my goals and getting things done! UGH!

Thanks for your patience!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Release Monday + Show-OffZ Challenge 1/4/10

In case you missed my earlier post, one of my new design resolutions this year is to streamline my design process, by making Mondays my release day and I am hoping to have at least 1 new product release every Monday this year! So I hope you'll join me! Also on Mondays I will be posting a Show-OffZ Call for your layouts - so please don't miss that at the bottom of this posting!

Today I have 3 New products for you, available for purchase in my stores!

If you missed last week's blog train - you will be glad to know that my ASPIRATIONZ: CLUSTERZ STACKZ & SCATTERZ is now available for purchase!

Get it now:

If you missed last year's ScatterZ Challenges (+ some other freebies) - I have released these elements in SCATTERZ 4.

Get it now:

And if you missed last year's Speed Crop Bonuses (+ some other freebies) - I have released these elements in CLUSTERZ & SCATTERZ.

Get it now:

If you read my Blog ResolutionZ Post, you will know that I'm trying to do more on my blog this year. I had originally thought that the Show-OffZ would be a contest and that one person would win every week! Instead, I have decided to make it more like a CHALLENGE. So here's how it works:

Each Monday with the New Releases, I will be posting a Show-OffZ Challenge. You will have until Friday to do the challenge and if you get your layout sent in, you will receive either a coupon to my store or a specific product (each posting will tell you what you are getting)! I will share all the Show-OffZ of the Week on Saturdays!


I want you to take any of my AspirationZ Kits (you can even just use the quickpages) and scrap a page about your goals/resolutions/projects for 2010! You can only use my AspirationZ Kits to make your page!

Email me ( a copy of your 600x600, 72dpi Layout by 10pm EST on Friday, January 8th and your layout will be shared on January 9th on my blog! Please include the name that you want listed with your layout.

This week you will be receiving a $3 Coupon to my Digitals Store just by participating!

Thanks and I hope you will join in the challenge and come back next Monday for new releases and a new challenge!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life 365 - Week 1

Monday, December 28, 2009

Beth has really been enjoying her new dress-up dresses and its the first thing she does when she wakes up in the morning. Right now her favorite is her snow white dress. She discovered that if she stands by the heater her dress flares up and she gets the whole big dress effect - so much fun!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We got a light snow fall today and it was just nice to sit inside watching movies, reading and playing on the computer and Wii. The kids are still enjoying all their new toys and we even had a nap!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Today was a fun day. We woke up to a lot more snow and we just had to go play in it. The kids got to wear their new coats and boots and we went into our little yard and built our "Frosty", threw a few snow balls, and made snow angels.

December 31, 2009

I loved these photos of my kids from yesterday's snow play. Love it when my kids are so happy. We didn't do anything today. Joey ended up working from home today and I got to sleep in. It was so nice. We just played on computers, played a little Wii, the kids played with their new toys, and we had a nice Spaghetti and Meatballs Dinner. Joey and I stayed up until after midnight - bringing in the new year with The Lord in the Rings.

Friday, January 1, 2010

We spent a lot of the day playing Wii with the kids and Joey went to Salt Lake City to do his podcast and spend some time with Pete. Just a low-key day at home for me and the kids.

Here are some of my goals for this year:

Family Goals: Family Home Evening Lessons/activities every Monday, Scriptures/Prayers every day, bring back chores, and Continue our Movie Nights on Sundays

Couple Goals: Have more time together as just us - a date at least once a month, attend the temple once a month

Personal Goals - Lose some weight - just take better care of myself, streamline my design/blog process so that I am being more efficient, and organizing my household tasks/schedule so that I'm accomplishing everything that I should during the week

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another low-key day with just playing and relaxing. We did go out for dinner at IHOP and spent some more time as a family playing the Wii.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Joey and I have spent a lot of time this week trying to complete our end-of-the-year tradition of watching all of The Lord of the Rings. We didn't quite make it and we are still on the Return of the King, but I have really enjoyed the time with Joey watching one of our favorite movies of all time. The kids watched a little bit with us tonight but its still a bit too scary for them and a lot that they don't understand, so we have been watching it after they go to bed. I can't wait until they've grown up more and they can get in on our tradition!

Today's funny Beth comment:
We were watching Return of the King and explaining a bit about the movie. I told Beth that Gandalf's horse was named Shadowfax and she simply stated, " name!"

And here is my weekly layout:

I used my ASPIRATIONZ & DIGITAL 365 Kits to create this layout!

Princess Secrets Giveaway WINNERS!

Are you ready? Using some prize drawing software I have selected TWO winners! That's right, I decided to go ahead and give TWO copies of my book, Princess Secrets away to some lucky people!

Drumroll please......

And the 2 lucky winners ARE:



Congratulations you two! I hope you both will enjoy the book! I will need you to email me ( your names/mailing address, so I can mail you the books!

I hope the rest of you will take a look at the book GO HERE on my blog and purchase it for your families/friends!