Showing posts with label Products-LDS-Inspired Kits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Products-LDS-Inspired Kits. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Product Release Monday | LDS-Themed CalligramZ

I'm so excited to present my 
new product line - CALLIGRAMZ.
CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
I am always intrigued with typography designs. You know all those fun printables that share great quotes and such and are presented in such a beautiful way?  I love them and I've always wanted to try my hand at making some. I've done some wordart of course, but calligrams are more than that. 

Calligrams are words or pieces of text in which the design and layout of the letters create a visual image that relate to the meaning of the words themselves.  

So I decided I wanted to work on my typography skills and so this new product line is all about me figuring out typography and creating and hopefully sharing with you some art that you can use in your home or for your scrapbooking!

First up, today I'm excited to release 

I know some of you are not LDS, so these won't be for you - but hopefully I'll have something new in this series that you will enjoy.

For those of you who are LDS - this pack includes 5 calligramZ that go with the Young Women Theme, Relief Society Theme, Priesthood Theme, 2015 Mutual Theme, and 2015 Primary Theme. Each Calligram includes a finished png file (with texture/color already applied) and a black png file (you can use this to color and texturize it on your own). Both files have transparent backgrounds so you can just make your own printables or add to scrapbook pages or anything you want.

Remember these files are for personal-use only.  Please do not share the digital files with others. Instead direct interested parties to my blogstore or my Etsy to purchase their own copies.  Thank you.

You can purchase my LDS-THEMED CALLIGRAMZ 
now in my BLOGSTORE or on ETSY!

Check out what this pack includes:
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
LDS-Themed CalligramZ
by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
Relief Society Theme
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
Young Women Theme
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
Priesthood Theme
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
2015 Primary Theme
LDS-Themed CalligramZ by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)
2015 Mutual Theme

I'd love to hear what you think of this new product line!

Thanks for joining me to see this week's product release!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Would You Rather? - LDS Version | Printable Card Game

Would You Rather - LDS Version by DeDe Smith
by DeDe Smith

So as one of the counselors in my ward's Primary presidency, I have been really busy, designing and organizing things for our new year in Primary. I have really enjoyed creating and its been a long time since I have felt that and it has really been great.  As a presidency we are so excited for this year's theme and we have just felt really inspired!

One of the things we recently held was our annual Primary Pancake Breakfast. The teachers and leaders and kids all came in their pjs and we had a great breakfast, followed by games and things to get to know their new teachers in a fun environment. One of the things, I came up with to put on the tables was a WOULD YOU RATHER - LDS VERSION Card Game.

I am so excited about it and I'm happy to finally share it with you!

Have you ever played Would You Rather? Now, there's an LDS Version, full of fun gospel and scripture prompts!

It's perfect for Family Home Evenings, Primary and Ward Parties, groups, and families! It's a fun way to discuss the gospel and scripture stories!

Would you rather play....

(1) by just reading the questions and having fun conversations with your answers


(2) taking turns reading the cards and predicting what the other players will choose to earn a card. To win, be the first person to earn a card from all 6 categories!

You can now purchase these 
Printable Cards in TWO Ways:

I'd love to hear what you think!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

LDS Blog Train | The Song of the Heart

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! It's been awhile since I have participated and I'm glad to be back. This month we have THE SONG OF THE HEART.
Check out my little contribution:
The Song of the Heart by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)


Make sure you visit all the other stops on the train!  To see all participating designers, please check out:

The LDS Blog Train Blog

Brightly Street

One Scrap Happy Chic

KatLen Kreations

Dora's Digitals

WinksArt Graphics

Granny Enchanted

Snip Snap Scrap

This and That by Catherine

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday SayingZ | I am a Child of God

{ This week's quote }
I am a Child of God
lead me, guide me, walk beside me

Each Wednesday, I am going to be sharing a quote/saying with you! 
I am a collector of quotes/sayings/scrapbook titles, etc. and I love to hear new ones! So, each week, I will share a quote/saying with you that I hope will inspire you and make your day a little better! I also create pieces of wordart with these quotes each week and offering them to you as a freebie!!!  Feel free to use them in your scrapbook layouts or just print them out for great wall decor!

If you have any great quotes/sayings - feel free to send them in to me at - I would love to use them!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday SayingZ | Stand Ye in Holy Places

{ This week's quote }
Ye in Holy Places
and be not moved

Each Wednesday, I am going to be sharing a quote/saying with you! 
I am a collector of quotes/sayings/scrapbook titles, etc. and I love to hear new ones! So, each week, I will share a quote/saying with you that I hope will inspire you and make your day a little better! I also create pieces of wordart with these quotes each week and offering them to you as a freebie!!!  Feel free to use them in your scrapbook layouts or just print them out for great wall decor!

If you have any great quotes/sayings - feel free to send them in to me at - I would love to use them!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday SayingZ | Be Not Moved

{ This week's quote }
Stand Ye in Holy Places
and be not moved
until the day of the Lord come
For behold it cometh quickly
Saith the Lord

Each Wednesday, I am going to be sharing a quote/saying with you! 
I am a collector of quotes/sayings/scrapbook titles, etc. and I love to hear new ones! So, each week, I will share a quote/saying with you that I hope will inspire you and make your day a little better! I also create pieces of wordart with these quotes each week and offering them to you as a freebie!!!  Feel free to use them in your scrapbook layouts or just print them out for great wall decor!

If you have any great quotes/sayings - feel free to send them in to me at - I would love to use them!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

LDS Blog Train | Forget Me Not

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! This month we have FORGET ME NOT.

It is inspired by one of my very favorite talks EVER. President Uchtdorf is one of my favorite people to listen to. His talks always inspire me and this one just completely spoke to my soul.

He said to the women in the church, "
It is my prayer and blessing that you will never forget that you are truly precious daughters in God’s kingdom."

He talked about the little forget-me-not flowers and reminded us of 5 things that we should not forget:

1. Forget not to be patient with yourself.
2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Forget not to be happy now.
4. Forget not the "why" of the gospel.
5. Forget not that the Lord loves you.

I don't know about you - but I need these reminders. I tend to be really hard on myself and forget why I'm here on the earth. It was just such a great reminder that I am not forgotten and I'm truly a daughter of Heavenly Father. This was just a special talk!

Check out all the amazing things you are getting:

Check out my little contribution:
Forget Me Not by DeDe Smith (DesignZ by DeDe)

Your next stop is WinksArt Graphics.

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

LDS Blog Train | Let the Little Children Come

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! 


Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is WingsArt Graphics.

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

LDS Blog Train | All Things Bright & Beautiful

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! This month we have ALL THINGS BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is Alevtina Scrap.

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Anything But Ordinary - DollZ & BearZ

My friend Andi, is releasing a wonderful kit on her blog today for Girl's Camp!!! I have such amazing memories from my Young Women days and Girl's Camp is one of them. Andi has created ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY for one of her readers and is sharing it for all of you! So make sure you head on over to HER BLOG for her part of this great kit.

I'm jumping on board and just have a little treat for you today that coordinates with her kit. I hope you can use it!


Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

LDS Blog Train | 6 Be's

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! This month we have something to remind you President Hinckley's wonderful 6 BE'S.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is All LDS Freebies.

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LDS Blog Train | Scripture Heroes

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS Blog train! This month we have something to remind you of all the HEROES in the SCRIPTURES!

I am so excited about the theme of this month's train. It inspired me to complete a whole collection that will be coming soon to my stores. Please check back so you can see my SCRIPTURE HEROEZ!

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is My 4 Princesses Designs

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train | The Greatest Gift

I'm excited to be participating in the LDS blog train! This month we have something to remind you of the THE GREATEST GIFT this holiday season!

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is KatLen Kreations!

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train | Family Home Evening

I'm excited to be participating in this blog train! This month we have something for those special moments with your family - FAMILY HOME EVENING!

I was so happy to discover the LDS Blog Train. It feels really good to be designing a little something for those of my own religion.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is All LDS Freebies!

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train | A Name and a Blessing

I'm excited to be participating in this blog train! This month we have something for new babies and blessings - A NAME AND A BLESSING!

I was so happy to discover the LDS Blog Train. It feels really good to be designing a little something for those of my own religion.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is SAHM Scrapper!

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train | Of Noble Birthright

I'm excited to be participating in this blog train! This month we have something for your family history and genealogy pages - OF NOBLE BIRTHRIGHT!

I was so happy to discover the LDS Blog Train. It feels really good to be designing a little something for those of my own religion.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is Grandma's Templates!

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train | Called to Serve

I'm excited to be participating in this blog train! This month we have something for all those missionary pages! - CALLED TO SERVE!

I was so happy to discover the LDS Blog Train. It feels really good to be designing a little something for those of my own religion.

Check out my little contribution:

Your next stop is Chelle's Creations!

To see all participating designers, please check out The LDS Blog Train Blog.

Have fun and please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and suggestions by leaving a comment! I love to hear from you!