Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Heart Hurts...

I'm so sad. I didn't make it to Round 3 of the So You Think You Can Design Contest. You all still like me right? LOL

I need to go mope and get over this so I can get busy. I really didn't have time to do this contest anyways, so I guess it is a good thing. And I did make it to 2 Rounds - so it is a good thing and I did learn some things - so it was worth it. Just feeling a little sad that I didn't go further.

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Gail said...

Sorry, DeDe. I think you're awesome!

rhian said...

Obviously the judges are blind! You are still the best DeDe!!!

You kits are awesome!!!

Don't be sad - it gives you more time to do what you love - be with your wonderful family!!!

Stephanie said...

SERIOUSLY????? I agree, the judges must be blind. That won't stop me from coming back. You're an awesome designer!!! I love your stuff. I'm so sorry. I hope this horrible news doesn't keep you from having a wonderful weekend with your family. *HUGS*

Lois B said...

I am shocked you didn't make it. I love your designs!

Go treat yourself to something you love to do. I know your little ones and DH will bring the smile back to your face.

Elaine said...

I can't beleive it. Your round 2 kit was so awesomw!We all still love you & your wonderful kits. Elaine

Stater said...

In that case DeDe... they don't know an awesome designer when they see one!

I love all your stuff.


Nancy said...

I'm so sorry and shocked you didn't make it to round 3! You are entitled to a BRIEF 'pity party' then move on! Focus on the positives you gained from the experience. You are such a fabulous talent and so loved and respected. Hang in there and keep on doing what you are doing because it is awesome!!!

June F. said...

What? That's crazy! You are a great designer, so don't let it get you down!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe you didn't make it to round 3. They have to be nuts lol. I love your kits !!!!!!! Don't be down we love you !!!!!!!!!

CindyLou said...

Oh DeDe,
I'm so sorry to hear about not making it to round 3. You are awesome in so many ways!
We still love you!