Monday, September 19, 2016

Moving to Wordpress

I am finally upgrading to Wordpress! So hang in there for me while I transfer my blog posts and designs over there! Feel free to visit!  Thanks for your patience! ...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Magical Mousetery Tour | September 2016

Welcome to the next  MAGICAL MOUSETERY TOUR! Thanks for joining me here on my blog! If you haven't been here before - please take a look around and make sure to download all my Freebies! Take a look at all of my products in my blogstore HERE. This month, we are on exploring A MAGICAL FRONTIER! Pick up all the fun freebies on the tour to have a great mega kit full of  papers and embellishments to scrap...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Magical Mousetery Tour | June 2016

Welcome to the next  MAGICAL MOUSETERY TOUR! Thanks for joining me here on my blog! If you haven't been here before - please take a look around and make sure to download all my Freebies! Take a look at all of my products in my blogstore HERE. This month, we are on exploring with A MAGICAL ADVENTURE! Pick up all the fun freebies on the tour to have a great mega kit full of  papers and embellishments to...

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Magical Mousetery Tour | March 2016

Welcome to the next  MAGICAL MOUSETERY TOUR! Thanks for joining me here on my blog! If you haven't been here before - please take a look around and make sure to download all my Freebies! Take a look at all of my products in my blogstore HERE. This month, we are on a Disney Bound with A MAGICAL JOURNEY! Pick up all the fun freebies on the tour to have a great mega kit full of  papers and embellishments...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas from The Smith Family

I have sent out Christmas cards every year for 16 years,  but this year I just didn't get it done. So I am doing a digital-only version this year! MERRY CHRISTMAS  FROM THE SMITH FAMILY J.J. is 13 and is in 8th Grade at Spectrum Academy. This school has been heaven-sent for J.J. and his parents and has helped us get through having a teenager with autism. J.J. loves Star Wars, Phineas and Ferb, and Minecraft. He is happiest...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

FREEBIE | 2016 Primary Theme Posters

2016 PRIMARYI Know the Scriptures Are True So if you are LDS and happen to be in a Primary Presidency,  I have a freebie for you today.  I AM a part of my ward's Primary Presidency (specifically the second counselor), and I'm so excited about these posters that I created for the upcoming new year! I loved the posters that I created last year, but I love these even more. I'm so excited about how they turned out. If you are in...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Magical Mousetery Tour | December 2015

Welcome to the very first  MAGICAL MOUSETERY TOUR! I was so thrilled to receive a message from the team at Magical Mousetery Tour, inviting me to join in a fun Disney Blogtrain! I jumped at the chance to be creative again and anything Disney is just my favorite thing! In fact, when this post goes live, I will be at DISNEYLAND with my family! Thanks for joining me here on my blog! If you haven't been here before - please take a look...