Ali Edwards has a series of posts that she calls "Around Here." It is just a way of sharing the everyday life of her family and just a fun collection of small stories of her life. I think it is an awesome idea and just captures the little things in life. I think it will be really fun to later go back and see these posts and see the little family changes. I'm going to try and do an AROUND HERE post about once a month! Hope you enjoy it!
Around here We have been taking things really casual. We spent our June going from activity to activity with Free Breakfast and Lunches at the school, various summer camps, scouts, activity days, library time, educational activities at home, reading, etc. So we have spent the last couple of weeks pretty much doing nothing. It’s actually kind of been nice. We need to get back started on our Smith Family Camp though with chores and exercise and reading and summer study, etc.
Around here Beth has really been enjoying this summer. She got to go to a series of Princess camps a couple of weeks ago and it was AMAZING for her. She is 9 and surprisingly still into the Disney Princesses and dressing up. I actually hope this stage lasts a bit longer. She is growing up too fast.
Around here We got a Recreation Center Membership this year and have been spending at least one day at the pool every week. My kids love to be in the water and Beth loves to go down the water slides too. I actually don’t enjoy swimming that much, but I do it for the kids and they like having me there.
Around here JJ is all about Minecraft. He loves playing with his dad and individually on the computer and his tablet. He even got to go to a fun Lego Minecraft summer camp where they built Minecraft characters with Legos.
Around here Joey has been really working a lot of hours. Lots of projects at work have left him pretty stressed and busy. If he is not at work, he’s at home working, even through the weekends. It’s been really rough for him and he has had some health problems as well. I hope that all these projects will be accomplished soon so I can have my husband back.
Around here I have finally found myself out of the funk that I’ve been in for the past year or so. I’ve gotten creative again and its been so fun to do a little scrapbooking, a little designing, a little blogging, and lots of social media.
Around here I started up a new business, where I am selling Origami Owl Jewelry. I haven’t got any sales yet, but I’ve been going through some trainings and have my first Vendor Event booked for the Fall. I love this jewelry and the concept of Scrapping A Locket! I hope you all can come and LIKE my page and maybe make a purchase. It’s awesome! I really would appreciate your support. Also join me on Saturday on my Facebook Page if you can for my online launch party!
Around here My house is a mess, because with all the running around to activities, and taking a couple of weeks off, it just hasn’t had any time spent on it. I need to get into a regular cleaning schedule.
Around here I have slacked on my “Losing Weight” program, but I have committed to getting started again. I still want to get to “ONEderland” before December! I hope that I can still make that goal after falling off the wagon for awhile.
Around here I have been obsessed with planning our surprise Disneyland Vacation in December. I am on the Disboards everyday and making all kinds of plans. I can’t wait until this adventure!
Around here We have had some fun one-on-one dates with the kids. Beth and I spent some time building our own lockets with lots of charms. JJ and I went out to lunch a couple of times and did some shopping together. JJ and his Dad went to The Lego Movie and had dinner. Beth and her Dad got to go to a musical together, "Man of La Mancha" (one of Joey's favorites). I really enjoy this special time with our kids. We try to do this every summer.
Around here things are good.
Around Here is a series of posts that capture the everyday life of my family and what is going on in our lives right now. I hope it is a fun collection of small stories about my life and I hope that it inspires you to journal about your own.

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