Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Magic: Moving Forward

Each Monday (that doesn't have a new release), I am going to be offering a little Magic to start your week. It might be a fun idea, some inspiration, a tutorial, or just sharing some thoughts - Whatever I feel like! So come back and share your thoughts too!

This week:

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
- William Morris

I was reading the Daily Digi this week and came across a very interesting article on "Moving the Memories." The article reflected on the things that we keep around our houses that are sentimental and how to part with things that maybe we don't really need anymore.

One of my goals for the summer is to deep clean my home and especially my shed. I definitely get sentimental about the things that I keep and I just have way too much "stuff." I need to learn to let go and that has been a really hard concept for me to grasp. I would really like to internalize the above quote and get rid of some of the things that are holding me back.  I think I need to do a little bit of deep clean inside my soul as well. I have been dreaming a lot about the past - high school, when we were first married, etc. and I seem to be reflecting so much on my mistakes and I really think it is hurting my future. I don't really know why my past has been bothering me so much, but it is not helping my depression/anxiety - and its not helping me to KEEP MOVING FORWARD. So I've decided that I need to add another goal this summer - to "let it go." Let stuff go physically and emotionally. I think if I start focusing more on the present that I will be a better mom, wife, and person.

How about you? Are there some things you need to LET GO OF physically - or maybe emotionally?

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Robin said...

Four years ago the last of my four children left home, I remarried and moved to another state! Whew! I, too, had a lot of "things". My husband had learned long ago to let "things" go and I had to quickly learn to do so. While it was a real struggle, it was also really freeing. And once you let those "things" go, whether they be emotional or material you have to constantly be on guard to not let them back in. I know that getting started seems overwhelming, but it does get easier with each piece that you let go of. I gave most of my things to Goodwill and the knowledge that they were going to a good cause helped me release them. The best thing about getting rid of the "things" is that I feel so much freedom. It wasn't easy, but the rewards of an uncluttered life (spiritually & materially) have
been great! The hardest part is getting started - all I can say is Just DO It!