Sunday, September 11, 2011

Life 2011: Week 37

Monday, September 5, 2011

We had a very casual Labor Day. We stayed home and had a pajama day. The highlight of my day and I think the kids enjoyed it too - was when we played "restaurant" and Dad was the cook and the kids served me lunch in bed. It was complete with a menu and all! Very fun.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We pass these beautiful sunflowers every day as we walk down to wait for the kids' buses. They really are a bright spot!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Its fun to have a little chat with the kids as we wait for their buses everyday. I am not sure how I got kids that love mornings - but they are always very cheery and happy. We like to find cloud pictures in the sky and just chat about what the day is going to bring.

Thursday, September 8
, 2011

I've been working hard the last couple weeks on finally finishing my camping kit. I started a year ago and kind of lost the mojo on it and so I'm very happy to finally have it finished.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm afraid that this week has been a downer. Joey and I have both had migraines and I'm afraid that I was hit with a little mental breakdown this weekend that kind of resulted in physical sickness. I hate it when the anxiety and depression controls my life. I don't want to be like this and I don't want my family to have to deal with me when I'm like this. But sometimes it just hits me and there is nothing I can do. I want to be able to control it and I'm scared what it does to me. I'm scared of passing this down to my kids. I just get sad and overwhelmed and just want to runaway. I hope next week is better...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beth had another soccer game and her team is doing great. I went and say "The Help" by myself today after the game and really enjoyed it. I loved the book and the movie did a good job too.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We watched "Cloak & Dagger" for Family Movie Night. I love how animated the kids get when we watch movies. It's definitely our family favorite thing to do.

Today was the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I had the first discussion about the event with my kids this week. I had never really shared about it with them and I'm glad I did. 10 years later....I wish our country still had the unity and patriotism that we had after 9/11. I miss that feeling that we had as a country. Of course, I hated what happened and I honor those that died for our country, but I wish we could have kept that unity alive. I hope that we will remember and not judge one another. I want us to remember that unity - I want us to care about one another. Always to remember, never to forget! Let's unite again as a country, as fellowmen.

And here is my weekly layout:

Coming Soon!

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